Lukas Boß





Lukas Boß, is an architectural assistant at Studio Boden. He has acquired extensive experience in projects like Green.Diversity Linz, learning about rainwater management and animal-sensitive landscape design. He has also contributed to competition designs for projects such as the Regional Hospital in Liezen and Neckarspinnerei Quartier Wendlingen. Currently, he is working on a project for a kindergarten in Graz.

Lukas holds a Bachelor’s degree in architecture from HfT Stuttgart, with an Erasmus+ semester at HSLU Lucerne. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at Graz University of Technology. Before joining Studio Boden, he worked as student assistant at the Institut für Gebäudelehre (TU Graz). He has also collaborated with the German Pavilion team at the Biennale Architettura 2023. Lukas brings a diverse skill set and dedication to his role in shaping architectural landscapes.